
陶森·酒吧(Towson Pub)通过1月6日起义被捕的人通过筹款活动;集团举行居住活动

After a fundraiser for people arrested during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was rejected by a Towson bar, and its promotion at a Baltimore County hotel turned out to be false, the event was held at a private residence Tuesday night.

In an email to The Baltimore Sun Monday evening, leaders of the Charles Village Pub & Patio in Towson said they decided not to provide a venue for the Republican Women of Baltimore County and the Patriot Club of America to host the fundraiser, which was scheduled for Tuesday evening.


“Due to the overall feedback and safety for all staff & patrons, Charles Village Pub & Patio (Cvp Towson) has decided to decline the use of the venue for (the) event,” the bar’s leadership wrote.

The organization posted an update to its website Tuesday, saying that the venue had changed “due to an overwhelming response.” Though the website did not list the new location, flyers circulating on social media initially indicated the Delta Hotel by Marriott in Hunt Valley.



随后,星期二的活动是直播在Facebook上and held at a private residence.

在巴尔的摩县网站的共和党妇女网站上发布的筹款活动的传单和详细信息说,门票为每人20美元,将为“ 1月6日的政治犯”筹集资金。根据活动的描述,预计在1月6日被指控的一些人的家庭成员预计将参加。

A flyer for the planned fundraiser that was posted on social media. Charles Village Pub & Patio in Towson says it no longer plans to be a venue for the event.


三角洲酒店是Marriott International的品牌,Marriott International是位于贝塞斯达的酒店连锁店。万豪代表没有回答一封电子邮件,要求确认该活动已被取消。

该活动在社交媒体上遇到了反对,在线评论员谴责查尔斯村酒吧和露台同意成为主持人。据该集团的网站称共和党总检察长候选人迈克尔·佩特卡(Michael Peroutka)在谈到“马里兰州的选民差异”,以及5月对Dinesh D'Souza纪录片的纪录片《 2000 Mules》的放映,该纪录片在2020年总统大选中对选民欺诈作出了虚假的主张。

对筹款活动计划的反应促使一个同样名字叫巴尔的摩的酒吧在网上发表声明,澄清了它与Towson Pub没有隶属关系。

“ PSA:我们不以任何方式,形状或形式与CVP Towson相关。感谢您参加我们的TED演讲。”另一个消息于周六发布到Twitter。


店主托尼·威尔(Tony Weir)说查尔斯村酒吧,位于圣保罗3107near the Johns Hopkins University, was founded by the same people who started theCharles Village Pub & Patio in Towson。But the Baltimore pub was later sold, and the two businesses have not been affiliated for years.

威尔(Weir)于2015年购买了查尔斯村(Charles Village)酒吧,他说,最近几天他接到电话,担心他的酒吧与巴尔的摩县筹款活动的共和党妇女有关。



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He said the confusion was “an unfortunate situation” and that he decided to post a clarifying statement because “I don’t want to have my business affected by someone else.”


Weir said he stays away from hosting political events at the Charles Village Pub.



In addition to Tuesday’s event, the Republican women’s club had advertised a Feb. 21 “Dinner and a Movie” event at the Charles Village Pub in Towson, where the club said it would screen an Epoch Times documentary that claims the Jan. 6 attack was not a violent insurrection.

但是,这家餐厅的发言人周二表示:“ CVP陶森也拒绝了我们在2/21活动中使用我们的空间。”

www.my188.com巴尔的摩太阳记者丹·贝尔森(Dan Belson)为这篇文章做出了贡献。
