Food & Drink

Months after fire, Charles Village Pub to reopen in Baltimore Thursday

Closed on May 1, Charles Village Pub in Baltimore will reopen this week.

Months after closing due to a fire, Charles Village Pub will reopen on Thursday morning.

The neighborhood hangout at 3107 Saint Paul St. passed its final inspection with the city fire department on Monday afternoon, said owner Tony Weir, allowing the watering hole known as “CVP” to reopen on Thursday. The bar will have regular hours again — 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily — moving forward, he said. A spokeswoman for the Baltimore Fire Department confirmed the bar passed inspection.


For Weir, reopening will bring some normalcy back to the bar and its staff.

He’s most looking forward to “having a place for the neighborhood to come and see each other again,” he said.


“It’s really great, man,” Weir said. “Just getting people back to work is a really big thing for us.”

The bar closed indefinitely on May 1 due to a grease fire that began in the kitchen.

CVP will celebrate the reopening through the weekend with discounts on beers, though Weir said he’s still figuring out the details of the specials.

The bar and restaurant have undergone a “massive cleaning,” Weir said. But regular patrons likely won’t notice much of a difference aesthetically, he said, as most of the damage and rehabilitation took place in the kitchen. Still, new kitchen equipment and redone walls in the back will improve the place overall, Weir said.

The closed months weren’t just tough for Weir and his staff -- locals missed their no-nonsense pub, as evidenced by a sign someone taped to the front door that read, “Please hurry. My soul is dying. Love, Charles Village[.]”

Weir said he can’t wait for Thursday.

“It’s going to be good for everybody to get back to normal again,” he said.
