

Joseph “Joe” Meyerhoff II has a solution to Baltimore’s vacant home crisis that even he knows sounds crazy, but some in the city of Baltimore are examining the idea.







这种评估差距 - 修复房屋的成本与某人后来为房屋支付多少费用之间的区别 - 意味着没有经济动机来翻新空置房屋并出售房屋。私人开发商将因这笔交易而亏损。

Meyerhoff, who describes himself as having a tenacious personality, became obsessed with the appraisal gap and set about trying to bridge it.

Joseph “Joe” Meyerhoff II is floating an idea to create a massive subsidy to fix up vacant homes using a noncontiguous TIF bond.

这位64岁的老人 - 他和约瑟夫·迈耶夫(Joseph Meyerhoff)交响乐大厅以他的祖父,房地产开发商和慈善家的名字命名 - 住在巴尔的摩县的亨特谷。他的两个女儿长大了,除了两只狗,他是一个空的巢穴。迈耶霍夫(Meyerhoff)开始在他的日光浴室度过几天,俯瞰附近的田野,并为评估差距做出了答案。




For years, Baltimore has issued bonds, borrowing millions of dollars, to help finance major development projects in and around downtown,like Harbor Point.尽管该市支持这些债券,但它们旨在通过所谓的税收增量融资或TIF中的补贴项目中增加的财产税获得回报。



The city would sell millions of bonds to investors who manage pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds and more, creating a huge pool of money. The city could tap that pool and give money to developers and builders who successfully renovate vacant homes — a subsidy for the appraisal gap. New homeowners move into the houses and start paying property taxes. Those taxes from the newly renovated homes would pay back the debt, leaving rebuilt, repopulated neighborhoods.

After workshopping the idea for a few years, Meyerhoff has been giving presentations to housing advocates and nonprofit leaders. A spokesperson for the Baltimore Department of Housing and Community Development said a consultant paid by the city is looking into the idea.

Tax increment financing is being used elsewhere to build affordable homes. For instance, in some Michigan cities and counties, a homebuilder can take out a loan to cover the appraisal gap and divert future property taxes to pay back that loan. Emily Doerr, executive director of the Michigan State Land Bank, said such financing allows developers to build homes that nurses, firefighters and teachers can afford.

“It does cost the city more time that it won’t collect taxes on this home,” Doerr said. “But it also took a blighted house and was able to sell [a renovated home] to a moderate-income person that you want living in your neighborhood.”

This is essentially Meyerhoff’s plan in miniature form. Because what he’s envisioning would apply to more than a single location, he calls it a “noncontiguous tax increment financing bond.”

Rowhouses in the 1700 block of East Biddle Street renovated by ReBUILDMetro, with vacant homes in the 1700 block of East Preston Street.


“You could issue a half a billion dollars of these bonds, if you wanted to,” Meyerhoff said.


民主党议员奥德特·拉莫斯(Odette Ramos)说,她在9月召开了一次会议,要求迈耶霍夫(Meyerhoff)向住房部和利益相关者介绍他的计划。

拉莫斯说,在进行几项政策修改以解决空置住房时,迈耶霍夫的想法将有助于满足另一个需求 - 金钱。据拉莫斯(Ramos)称,专家估计,解决该市空置住房危机的耗资30亿美元。



没有美国城市或地区对迈耶霍夫(Meyerhoff)提出的规模进行类似的计划 - 至少没有人是市政债券专家马特·法比安(Matt Fabian)和他的同事从未听说过的。

Fabian是马萨诸塞州一家专门从事市政债券的Massinipal Market Analytics的合作伙伴。他认为,如果巴尔的摩能够保持书籍直截了当,迈耶霍夫的提议通常是有道理的。他说,将需要考虑数百种,可能数千份在全市的家庭翻新上的补贴,这些补贴和新产生的财产税需要被考虑。



“这是非常创新的,” Fabian谈到Meyerhoff的想法时说道。“在金融市场中,创新通常意味着昂贵。”他解释说,投资者将要求更高的债券收益率,以实现未经测试的想法,这将使借钱更加昂贵。

多年来,巴尔的摩已经发行了债券,借了数百万美元,以帮助市区及其周围地区的主要开发项目,例如Harbor Point。

朱莉·埃根(Julie Egan)就是这样的投资者。埃根(Egan)是北卡罗来纳州的埃根(Egan),曾是全国市政分析师联合会的主席,邦德市场的专业人员小组。埃根(Egan)说,她过去14年来为一个数十亿美元的共同基金购买债券。她的专长是住房债券,她对迈耶夫的计划持怀疑态度。






Meyerhoff knows there are costs to implement his plan, but he argues they pale in comparison to what Baltimore’s vacant housing crisis costs the city.

Two researchers from the Johns Hopkins University, Mac McComas and玛丽·米勒(Mary Miller),recently published a paper estimatingBaltimore spends at least $100 million annually on vacant homes为了响应911个电话,向棚户区推广,清洁和登机,割草,老鼠控制等等。





As part of their research, Miller — a 2020 Democratic candidate for mayor and a former U.S. Treasury official and T. Rowe Price Group executive — said she spoke with a developer who calculated the typical appraisal gap in Baltimore. A two-story vacant house might need a $63,000 subsidy, she said, and a three-story vacant would take $87,000.


“Developers are working with a pretty slim margin to begin with and it can get wiped out by one or two things going wrong,” she said. “You really need a plan where you’re bringing to bear the city’s infrastructure spending to clean up streets and alleys and lighting and all of that at the same time that the private capital is fixing up the houses.”


Before any bonds are issued, Meyerhoff said the city would need to work with community members and create comprehensive neighborhood plans in areas with high rates of vacancy, he said, a process that could take a year or longer and cost $150,000 or more per plan.


  • 任何翻新或建筑都将与已建立的计划一致,该计划已获得邻里居民的批准。
  • 任何发展都不能使居民取代。
  • 补贴房屋只能出售给收入低于一定水平的人。

Meyerhoff knows it would take time, money and creativity to turn his idea into reality, but he emphasized people need to remember the scope and cost of Baltimore’s vacants crisis.


