

The Orioles don’t seem to care what you think.

On Wednesday, the team — meaning CEO and Chairman John Angelos and whoever he might have asked for input — decided todecline the option in its lease马里兰州体育场管理局将将该协议延长五年。自1992年Camden Yards开业以来,这种选择留在了目前已经存在的11个月中,这并没有支持安吉洛斯(Angelos)对他打算将球队留在巴尔的摩的意图,也不支持对另一名职业运动队离开城市的专业运动员的镇定球迷。


In truth, beyond a few extra months of worry, it’s a decision that might not matter. A source with knowledge of the situation told The Baltimore Sun the team hopes to have a long-term lease by Major League Baseball’s All-Star break in July. But there’s nothing that would have prevented the Orioles from picking up the option and agreeing to a new deal in the coming months. Just last month, the neighboring Ravens, who became Baltimore’s National League Football team 12 years after the Colts left in the middle of the night in March 1984,获得长期租赁他们与MSA的交易还剩五年。



在2018赛季中,金莺队失去了一场十五场比赛,该组织开始进行全面的重建,承诺从Camden Yards的绿色座位上看不到基础设施进行投资。2018年11月,安吉洛斯(Angelos)和他的兄弟路易斯(Louis)介绍了巴尔的摩(Baltimore)执行副总裁兼总经理迈克·埃里亚斯(Mike Elias),这是休斯顿太空人队成功重建的主要建筑师。从那以后,埃里亚斯(Elias)的棒球运营部门生产了一个排名最高的农场系统,在经过多年的灾难性棒球之后,为一支令人兴奋的年轻美国职业棒球大联盟提供了帮助。与此同时,金莺队首席所有者彼得·安杰洛斯(Peter Angelos)的儿子们陷入了对家庭财富的法律斗争。

Aseries of escalating lawsuitsbegan in June, when Louis Angelos first sued his brother and mother, Georgia. Within, he claimed John Angelos took control of the Orioles without his father’s permission, allowing him to sell or even move the team if he wished. John has long said the Orioles will remain in Baltimore, but signing a long-term lease is the only act that would verify those claims. Doing so would also give the Orioles access to $600 million in public funds for stadium upgrades, with the Ravensalready planning changes with their new deal in place

安吉洛斯(Angelos)在上个月的新闻发布会上重申了该团队对这座城市的承诺,这只是他自介绍埃里亚斯(Elias)以来第三次公开发行。租约状态是他宣布宣布的第一个问题Orioles’ $5 million pledge to the CollegeBound Foundation,一家当地的非营利组织,帮助公立学校的学生进入大学和大学。捐款对于安吉洛斯和金莺来说应该很容易胜利,但是当他强烈拒绝回答有关他家人与团队的未来的问题时,这成为一个脚注,称这个话题不合适,因为这是马丁·路德·金·纪念日。

Within his five-minute lecture to a reporter, Angeloswelcomed local media to return to Camden Yards the “next week”so he could “show you the financials of the Orioles.” Wednesday’s decision came 16 days later, with安吉洛斯尚未发出邀请。这些评论中缺乏诚意使质疑安吉洛斯的其他公开声明是公平的,尽管埃里亚斯说,他与巴尔的摩的时间与安吉洛斯在招聘过程中分享的愿景保持一致。




从2019年到2021年,金莺损失18more games than any other major league team while investments in analytics and international scouting and high draft picks stemming from their poor records resulted in one of the sport’s best minor league systems. With each of the top-five selections resulting from those seasons, the Orioles said they drafted the best player available, even if both Baseball America and MLB Pipeline disagreed. In recent weeks, all three — 2020 second overall pick Heston Kjerstad, 2021 fifth overall pick Colton Cowser and 2022 first overall pick Jackson Holliday — have appeared on at least one publication’s list of baseball’s top 100 prospects, with eight other Orioles minor leaguers joining them.

Baltimore opened the rebuild’s first three seasons with one of the majors’ four lowest payrolls, according to Cot’s Baseball Contracts, and began 2022 last of MLB’s 30 teams in that regard. For years, the front office drew the ire of fans for fielding teams with little chance of being competitive. But soon after promoting top prospect Adley Rutschman — the product of the first overall draft pick Baltimore received for its disastrous 2018 campaign — the Orioles unexpectedly became a contender, ending July in reach of a wild-card spot with a .500 record.

But on the first day of August, Elias traded Trey Mancini, a fan favorite even before he further endeared himself to the city in how he returned from a stage III colon cancer diagnosis, to the Astros for a pair of pitching prospects. After the move, Elias said the Orioles’相对微薄的季后赛赔率有助于证明通过交易会所的领导者和中等蝙蝠来进一步降低它们。他认识到那个会所的球员在听到这些言论后的感觉,他从巴尔的摩飞往德克萨斯州(也换了全明星近的豪尔赫·洛佩兹),直接向他们讲话assure them of his belief in the team,现在和将来。

然后,埃里亚斯(Elias)与媒体(Media)一起做了同样的事情,交付了他的now infamous “liftoff from here” line这激发了粉丝群的希望,因为这个休赛期会带来什么。相反,金莺已经制作了moves on the margins, with modest upgradesbut no splashes. Their payroll is预计为6500万美元, a 50% increase from opening day last year that still ranks as the league’s second-lowest figure.



Perhaps there also was no path toward a long-term lease other than Wednesday’s choice to leave 11 months until the current deal expires. Imposing a deadline might be what it takes to finalize an agreement years in the making.

