

这马里兰州Stadium Authority is seeking state legislative approval to borrow up to $1.2 billion to pay for upgrades at the stadium homes of the Ravens and Orioles so the clubs won’t need new pricey new venues in the foreseeable future.



当局主席托马斯·凯尔索(Thomas Kelso)告诉《巴尔的摩太阳报》(The Baltimore Sun),“我们可以延长这些体育场的寿命的时间越www.my188.com长,马里兰州和团队的寿命就越好。”www.my188.com

As sleek stadiums costing well over $1 billion are built in other cities, the authority said it needs to ensure that the teams can keep Oriole Park at Camden Yards and M&T Bank Stadium in step with stadium trends and a generation of fans accustomed to mingling and activity rather than just sitting and watching the game.



Oriole Park今年30岁,M&T银行体育场为24岁。一些体育场,例如亚特兰大的特纳菲尔德(Turner Field)和德克萨斯州的前Globe Life Park,在30岁之前就被其棒球队抛弃了。

A bill drafted by the stadium authority and expected to be introduced soon in the Maryland House of Delegates would increase the allowable bond debt for stadium projects from $235 million to $1.2 billion. Up to $600 million in outstanding debt would be allowed for projects at each club’s stadium at any given time.

该立法将逐渐增加可用于支付债券债务偿还债务的州彩票收益的数量 - 从2000万美元增加到每年9000万美元。立法将要求团队签署足够长的租约以还清债券。

If the General Assembly approves, the measure would create, in effect, an expanded and flexible pool of funding. Debt could be issued for either team as long as room remained under the $1.2 billion and $90 million caps and the financing was approved by the stadium authority board and the state’s Board of Public Works.

While it varies from place to place, there seems to be “a little more skepticism” about public financing of stadiums than when the Maryland venues were built, said Dennis Coates, a professor of economics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.


Some fans and elected leaders remember the Colts’ middle-of-the-night departure from Baltimore.经过数十年的巴尔的摩团队,NFL俱乐部(与城市争议纪念体育场的改进)在1984年3月的一个夜晚离开了印第安纳波利斯。






Leaders of the Democratic-led state House and Senate had no immediate comment as they weighed the proposal.

Senate Minority Leader Bryan Simonaire, an Anne Arundel County Republican, said the topic of stadium funding “is an important discussion that needs to take place.”




在Camden Yards,这些更改可能包括more social spaces, fewer seats and a sports betting area. Ravens officials have expressed对额外的下碗高级座位的兴趣

Both clubs said it would be premature to discuss specific projects.

Major League Baseball owners上个月锁定球员当他们谈判一项新的集体谈判协议时。这是联盟自1990年代中期以来的第一个停工threatens to delay the start of spring training



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这Orioles’ original lease with the state began April 1, 1992, and was to expire at the end of 2021. The parties agreed in February 2021 to extend the agreement for two years through Dec. 31, 2023, with the club retaining the right to exercise a one-time, five-year extension by Feb. 1, 2023.


这lease talks come during a period of uncertainty over the club’s future ownership.

92岁的巴尔的摩律师兼企业主彼得·安杰洛斯(Peter Angelos)继续拥有拥有金莺的大多数有限合伙企业,但他已经健康了多年。




乌鸦的租约直到2027赛季之后才升级, but the team and the authority say they have begun preliminary talks about an extension.
