


Friday is the arbitration salary exchange deadline, when teams and their arbitration-eligible players — typically those with more than three but fewer than six years of major league service time — each suggest a potential 2023 salary if they don’t come to an agreement beforehand. Sunday then marks the start of the next international signing period, and the Orioles have become increasingly involved in that market under executive vice president and general manager Mike Elias and senior director of international scouting Koby Perez. Both events figure to lock in aspects of the Orioles’ 2023 budget while also potentially having long-term effects.


巴尔的摩的六个符合仲裁资格的球员在11月均签订了招标合同,这意味着他们仍处于团队控制之下,但俱乐部尚未同意与任何一个人达成协议。金莺预计的大联盟薪水中有将近三分之一来自外野手安东尼·桑坦德,塞德里克·穆林斯和奥斯汀·海斯的预期工资。内野手豪尔赫·马特奥(Jorge Mateo);和右手投手奥斯汀·沃斯(Austin Voth)和狄龙·泰特(Dillon Tate)。美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)贸易谣言,Spotrac和COT的棒球合同的预测分别在2023年收入约2000万美元。



Elias has said the Orioles operate under the common “file-and-go” approach, where if the sides don’t have a deal in place by the exchange deadline, all negotiations cease, and the team and player will go to an arbitration hearing, typically during spring training, where a panel will select either the team’s or the player’s suggested salary. In Elias’ previous four offseasons, the Orioles have had only one arbitration hearing, with arbitrators siding with the club to determine Santander’s 2021 salary. Last year’s deadline passed without first baseman/outfielder Trey Mancini and left-handed pitcher John Means coming to terms with Baltimore, but they reached agreements before hearings, with both deals likely somewhat impacted by the MLB lockout pushing back the arbitration process.


从左边,金莺外野手安东尼·桑坦德(Anthony Santander),塞德里克·穆林斯(Cedric Mullins)和奥斯汀·海斯(Austin Hays)于6月23日庆祝击败白袜队。星期五是所有三名球员的仲裁薪金交换截止日期。


据《棒球美国的棒球》报道,来自多米尼加共和国的16岁游击手路易斯·阿尔梅达(Luis Almeyda)预计将以超过200万美元的价格与金莺队签约,超过了巴尔的摩去年向外野手布雷林·塔维拉(Braylin Tavera)提供的170万美元奖金。Almeyda最初来自新泽西州,在所有五个工具中都被认为是平均高于平均水平的平均水平,如果他增加了身高6英尺3英寸,180磅重的框架,则可以搬到第三垒。棒球美国希望他获得班级第16大奖金,而美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)的管道将他作为今年的20号国际前景。

这些交易通常是提前几年同意的,因此金莺必须在Elias和Perez的领导下追赶。在过去三年中,Almeyda将是从金莺队获得七位数奖金的第四位拉丁美洲业余爱好者。接球手Samuel Basallo(130万美元)和内野手MaikolHernández(120万美元)2021年1月与巴尔的摩签约

鉴于他的年龄,阿尔梅达(Almeyda)到达大满贯赛将要花几年的时间,埃利亚斯(Elias)和佩雷斯(Perez)的许多产品从2019年7月开始,去年大部分时间与Low-A Delmarva一起花费。但是他的签约将代表“精英人才管道”埃里亚斯(Elias)被聘用时承诺的“精英人才管道”的途径的持续进展。

