
Coachspeak: Glenelg Country boys basketball's Kevin Quinlan


教练凯文·昆兰(Kevin Quinlan)一直在宣扬“一次四分之一”的方法,周二,当龙(7-6)击败了多年生联赛的力量和6号圣弗朗西斯(57-55)时,它帮助该计划取得了最大的胜利。。

对于昆兰(Quinlan),他将龙带到了B会议冠军和去年的第一个赛季以28-3的成绩,几乎没有时间庆祝 - 周五前往洛约拉(Loyola)。

昆兰在一个军事家庭中长大,是一个真正的篮球环球旅行者。他7岁时开始参加这项运动,并住在比利时。在返回美国九年后,在鲍伊高中(Bowie High School)扮演和毕业后,他继续为慕尼黑一所小大学效力。

After that, he earned two bachelor degrees at Maryland before getting a master's degree at George Mason. Prior to taking the job at Glenelg Country, where he also teaches science, Quinlan coached three years at Thomas Edison in Alexandria, Va., and he also spent one season each as an assistant coach at Sidwell Friends (D.C.) and T.C. Williams, also in Alexandria.

When he's not teaching or coaching, Quinlan enjoys spending time with his daughter, Chloe', who turned 18 in December and is a biomedical engineering major at Johns Hopkins.

击败圣弗朗西斯(St. Frances)的胜利如何与您作为教练享受的其他人竞争?

我一次每季度都要参加每场比赛,而且我的计划练习方式也非常特别,因此我并没有真正回顾或回顾很多。我真的为我们的家伙感到骄傲。我以为他们真的在一起。我们正在推动他们作为一个团队合作,并摆脱队友和类似的东西。我是一位非常有防御性的教练 - 我们花了很多时间进行防御 - 我们的理念是,我们所做的一切都从防御中弹起。这需要一个特殊的孩子,这需要一种特殊的心态,因为这并不容易。我认为这些家伙来了,这表明。

What did you tell your team after the win?

我告诉他们他们里面有很多。我认为我们的家伙只是在刮擦表面。其中很多是关于他们一直尽力的努力,并为团队做所有事情,摆脱困境并为小组做。我告诉他们我为他们感到骄傲。老实说,我最近对我们的小组感到非常沮丧,因为我只是觉得我们一直在摇摆。我并不完全痴迷于获胜。显然,我喜欢赢得胜利,我的竞争力和一切。但是我觉得如果我们出去走到脚趾,然后打架,如果我们不在正确的一端出来并输了,那我们就可以了。如果我们亏本,真的在下巴上拿一个,没有出去摇摆,我们并没有艰难,没有像一个团队一起比赛 - 这就是让我在晚上扔和转身的原因。


The biggest challenge is that each team is very well coached and each team has top-flight athletes that can play basketball. So our scouting has intensified and our practices and preparations have picked up a notch. It's one of the best conferences in the East Coast, so we're really excited about it. For the coaches, I think we knew exactly how tough it would be and I think the kids are learning how tough it is. When I was hired, I was asked what kind of schedule I would like to play and I said you have to play the best to be the best. ... Outside of the conference, we've played some very tough competition, because we're looking to sharpen the saw for later in the season.



When did you know you wanted to become a coach?



To me, it's very humbling. When you live in the States, you really get kind of near-sighted on just what's around in our society and our culture. For three years when I was over there, we lived off a little village in Belgium and it was humbling. I had to learn French and there was completely different customs. It looked different, the weather was different, so everything was different and it kind of puts you in your place. But you find a way to survive, to make friends and all that sort of stuff. When I was a little older, I lived in Munich and got to travel extensively – Spain, Czech, Italy and other places. I came back humbled. The world is really special and it gives you a different perspective.
