Mike Preston

Ravens’ All-Time team: The best offensive players and coach in franchise history | COMMENTARY



在短暂的历史中,乌鸦队在2000年和2012赛季赢得了超级碗冠军。四支球队 - 克利夫兰布朗队,休斯顿德州人,杰克逊维尔美洲虎和底特律狮子队 - 尚未参加超级碗比赛。

乌鸦队只有三个教练 - 约翰·哈博(John Harbaugh),布莱恩·比利克(Brian Billick)和已故的泰德·马尔·伯达(Ted Marchibroda) - 但只有马尔基布罗达(Marchibroda)的任期很短,由于球队的财务困难而持续了三年。


The Ravens are represented in the Pro Football Hall of Fame by three players: left tackle Jonathan Ogden, middle linebacker Ray Lewis and safety Ed Reed, all of whom might be the best to ever play their positions. Two more might eventually be enshrined in right guard Marshal Yanda and outside linebacker Terrell Suggs.


乌鸦四分卫乔·弗拉科(Joe Flacco)在新奥尔良的超级碗XLVII之后拥有伦巴第奖杯。

Quarterback: Joe Flacco

在巴尔的摩的11个赛季中,Flacco在5,670码中完成了3,499次传球中的38,245码和212次达阵。他带领乌鸦队在2012赛季获得超级碗冠军,同时完成了联盟历史上最好的季后赛之一。弗拉科(Flacco)带领乌鸦队六次进入季后赛,两次赢得了亚足联北部冠军,并三度进入亚足联冠军赛。Flacco击败了Vinny Testaverde,他拥有NFL历史上最强的手臂之一。Testaverde投掷了4,177码,在乌鸦队的1996年就职季节中获得了33次达阵传球。

乌鸦队跑回贾马尔·刘易斯(Jamal Lewis)在2003年冲进了2,066码,是球队在达阵中的历史领导者。

后卫:HB Jamal Lewis和FB Vonta Leach

雷·赖斯(Ray Rice)可能是一个更完整的球员,但刘易斯(Lewis)只是野兽。他在5英尺11和245磅的体重下,将恐惧置于对方的铲球手中。刘易斯不仅可以贯穿你,而且他还有足够的速度转弯。一旦他在混战线上拿起肩垫平方,就像在驶入18轮的失控一样。他在2003年冲了2,066码,被评为联盟年度最佳进攻球员。刘易斯在乌鸦队的六年中以1,822的进位冲了7,801码(他在2001年错过了2001年),在2003年对阵布朗队的比赛中跑了一场当时的NFL唱片295码。他控制了比赛,并且是一个很棒的完成者。Leach在Sam Gash中取得了激烈的竞争,但Leach喜欢穿越他的街区。对他来说,这似乎是一种荣幸。他像X战警中的剑圣角色一样跑了出场。

德里克·梅森(Derrick Mason)是乌鸦队(Ravens)的有史以来的领先接球手,拥有5,777码。

Wide receivers: Derrick Mason and Steve Smith Sr.

梅森是一个简单的选择,因为他从2005年到2010年成为了5,777码的5,777码,并获得了29次达阵接球。没有人能像梅森那样沿着深深的卷土重来路线。他是一个竞争对手,总是很强烈。不幸的是,由于几次选秀权,接收者多年来一直没有实力的位置。乌鸦队有一些好的,例如Qadry Ismail和Torrey Smith,Anquan Boldin仍然是粉丝的最爱。不过,史蒂夫·史密斯(Steve Smith Sr.)产生了直接的影响,因为他给球队带来了进攻方面的韧性。他在巴尔的摩的48场比赛中只有37场比赛,但在2474码和14次达阵中获得了185次接球。对于梅森和史密斯,您不会输掉很多比赛。

Todd Heap的紧张局面在乌鸦历史上以41的速度获得了最大的达阵接球。


There was only one consistent player through those years of revolving quarterbacks and receivers, and that was Heap. Throw it anywhere on the field and Heap would go and get it, which is why he had so many injuries and even more fans. Heap had no fear of going up and attacking the football. He played in 133 games for the Ravens and had 467 catches for 5,492 yards and a franchise-record 41 touchdowns. Shannon Sharpe is second on this team after Heap. Sharpe was on the downside of his career in Baltimore, but he was a player the team rallied around. It will be interesting to see where current tight end Mark Andrews stands in this group when his career is over.

乔纳森·奥格登(Jonathan Ogden)是乌鸦队(Ravens)在1996年的第一个选秀权,在他的12年职业生涯中被任命为11次入选职业碗后,被选为名人堂。

进攻路线:乔纳森·奥格登中尉,LG埃德温·穆里塔罗,C瓦利·威廉姆斯,rg Yanda元帅,RT Michael Michael Oher

Because of size, speed and athleticism, Ogden has no peer and was more technically proficient than anyone he played against. It’s hard picking a left guard. Ben Grubbs was perhaps the best athlete to play that spot for the Ravens and could make blocks into the second level, but the nod goes to Mulitalo, who was a mauler. Matt Birk was a fan favorite at center, but Williams was better and certainly more powerful and agile. At right guard, it’s Yanda. He was a grinder who could beat opponents with finesse or physically knock them off the ball. The Ravens have struggled finding a right tackle, but the best and most consistent was Michael Oher.

The Ravens' John Harbaugh was named NFL Coach of the Year on Feb. 1, 2020, in Miami.

Coach: John Harbaugh

Harbaugh is the most complete of the three. Even though I make fun of his T-shirts, he is great at building team morale and working under the team concept. His teams never quit. Billick was an excellent motivator, and few could organize better. The best technical coach of the three was Marchibroda. He could draw and scheme up offensive plays with anyone who has ever coached in the NFL, but the Ravens didn’t have the money at that time to provide him with players. If there is an unsung hero of this franchise, it’s Marchibroda.
