
What to know about Maryland’s 7th Congressional District, which is again in the national spotlight

President Donald Trump thrust Maryland’s 7th Congressional District into the national spotlight last year after tweeting about Baltimore and the late U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings. The Maryland representativedied in October来自持续的健康问题。

Last summer, Trump unleashed several insults against “brutal bully” Cummings and his majority-Black district, which includes much of Baltimore but reaches into Baltimore and Howard counties as well. Calling the district “the Worst in the USA,” the president described the district as “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” that is “FAR WORSE and more dangerous” than the nation’s southern border.



这些推文是在总统的支持者金伯利·克拉西克(Kimberly Klacik)之后发表的,后来他将在共和党的门票上竞选接替卡明斯(Cummings),并发布了该地区的视频,该视频在其中的某些地方展示了垃圾和斑点。民主党众议员Kweisi Mfume在卡明斯(Cummings)去世后在特别小学中击败了Klacik,两人将在11月再次面对下一任期。


Klacik’s最近的广告广告, in which she marches past vacant houses in Baltimore and blames Democratic leadership for the city’s problems, has also drawn national attention. She is slated to speak at the Republican National Convention on Monday night in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Data from the 2017 U.S. Census shows Maryland’s 7th district is nearly 53% percent black and nearly 36% white. Seven percent of the district is Asian, nearly 4% is Hispanic and less than 1% percent of the area is Native American and Pacific Islander. The median age in the majority-female district is 38.9, and residents 18 years and over make up nearly 79% of the population, data shows.

Over the last five years, Baltimore has received $903 million in federal grants for operating and capital expenses, according to city budget documents. Over the same period, the federal government also provided $1.1 billion to the Housing Authority of Baltimore City, according

Cummings’ more expansive congressional district received just under $15.7 billion in grants, benefits and contracts from the federal government during the past two fiscal years, according to the federal government website. That includes Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security payments and defense contracts.

Maryland Policy & Politics



根据卡明斯的国会website, the Johns Hopkins University, the Johns Hopkins Hospital & Health System, and the University of Maryland System are the top three employers in the state’s 7th district. Two federal agencies, the U.S. Social Security Administration and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, fall within the district’s top 10 employers as well.

Using data from the “Biggest US Cities” website, Nate Silver offivethirtyeight.comtook to推特to point out that Cummings’s district has “above-average college education rates and home prices, along with a pretty good mix of urban and suburban areas (even some rural), and well-off, working-class and middle-class areas.”

Silver also pointed out the district is the second-wealthiest majority-black district in the country, with a $58,000 median household income, trailing Maryland’s 4th Congressional District, which includes parts of the Prince George’s and Anne Arundel counties. Cummings’ district is also the second-most-well-educated majority-black district because 37% of the residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher, trailing Georgia’s 4th District, Silver added.


Baltimore Sun reporter Doug Donovan and Hallie Miller contributed to this story.

For the record

