

The Maryland Court of Appeals on Wednesday rejected a challenge to a General Assembly-approved map of state legislative districts that multiple lawsuits from Republican politicians and voters contended violated provisions of the state’s constitution.

The ruling allows the new districts for electing members of the General Assembly to go into effect for the July 19 primary elections without further delay. The filing deadline for candidates wishing to appear on the ballot is Friday at 9 p.m.



But Alan M. Wilner, a retired Court of Appeals judge appointed to oversee the case, had recommended在冗长的报告中filed last week upholding the General Assembly’s maps and rejecting the Republican lawsuits. Wilner had heard extensive expert testimony about the mapsduring a two-day hearingin late March.


His recommendation was considered by the appeals court before it ruled after a Wednesday hearing.



一组原告包括Calvert县的共和党国会代表马克·费舍尔(Mark Fisher),安妮·阿伦德尔县的尼克·基普克(Nic Kipke)和代表哈尔福德(Harford)和巴尔的摩县(Baltimore)县的部分地区的凯西·塞利加(Kathy Szeliga)。同时听到了其他挑战,包括州议员提出的另一个挑战。




“马里兰州的历史不会记得这一天,”公平地图发言人道格·梅耶(Doug Mayer)在周三晚上发表的一份声明中说。“产生违宪国会地图的有毒过程也产生了宪法立法地图的想法是不可想象的。”


“We appreciate the Court of Appeals recognizing the General Assembly followed the Maryland and U.S. Constitutions when drawing a new state map,” House Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Bill Ferguson said in a joint statement. “Democracy has been well served today.”

About four hours before Wednesday’s ruling was made public, the lawyers seeking to overturn the new legislative districts appeared before the Court of Appeals to ask that it reject Wilner’s recommendations and strike down the map. A panel of seven judges heard the case, one via video.

A victory in the legal challenges, would have forced a hasty redrawing of the electoral lines and could have upended plans for Maryland’s already delayed primary.


选举官员警告in a legal filing on Monday上诉法院抛弃立法地图将使他们在7月初选之前实施任何更改的时间太少。州选举委员会还警告说,在8月16日晚些时候推迟初选将危害11月8日大选的计划。

During the arguments, which lasted 2 1/2 hours, three sets of lawyers suing to overturn the maps reiterated their contentions that Democratic lawmakers ran afoul of the state constitution while crafting the boundaries.


Assistant Attorney General Ann Sheridan, who defended the maps on behalf of the legislature, countered that the mandate for map drawers to give “due regard” to boundaries like county and city lines is just one of several competing requirements. Sheridan said the legal challengers hadn’t offered enough proof that lawmakers overstepped when crafting the map.


谢里登(Sheridan)在上诉法院击落了民主党州长帕里斯·格伦德宁(Parris Glendening)提出的地图后,一再指出2002年上诉法院绘制的大会区。谢里登说的那张地图是在没有党派政治影响的情况下被绘制的,严格遵循宪法要求,其中包括许多越过县线的奇特形状的地区。它还使用了多组成员和单人区。



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Sheridan contended that the map approved by the General Assembly in December was largely based on district lines crafted in 2012 that withstood repeated legal challenges, with most changes necessitated by population changes in different parts of the state.

马里兰州Republicans had scored separate a legal victory earlier this year in legal challenges to proposal new congressional district lines, also approved by the General Assembly, that would have strengthened the Democratic Party’s hold on seven of the state’s eight U.S. House seats.

Judge Lynne A. Battaglia, a retired Court of Appeals judge appointed to handle those cases, struck down that map as unconstitutional and called it “extreme partisan gerrymandering” by Democrats.

马里兰州Attorney General Brian Frosh, a Democrat, initially planned to appeal Battaglia’s decision, but dropped the appeal after Republican Gov. Larry Hogan agreed to sign off on another congressional map passed by Democrats in the General Assembly. The final map appears to still favor Democrats, but gives Republicans a much better shot at holding one congressional seat and possibly challenging for another.

Battaglia was a judge on the Court of Appeals in 2002 when it struck down the General Assembly’s legislative map and crafted its own. Getty, the current chief judge, was a Republican state delegate at the time and was among the plaintiffs behind the successful lawsuit.



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