
言语战争:马里兰州AG Brian Frosh,Marilyn Mosby Spar的证据,导致Adnan Syed释放

巴尔的摩州的检察官玛丽莲·莫斯比(Marilyn Mosby)指责马里兰州的总检察长布莱恩·弗罗什(Brian Frosh)隐藏了证据,以使阿德南·赛义德(Adnan Syed)入狱,这是该州周三在该州的两名最强大的民选律师之间的嘲笑。

Syed, whose case became known internationally after the podcast “Serial” was released in 2014, was convicted of murder in the 1999 killing of Hae Min Lee, his former high school girlfriend. He was behind bars for 23 years until Monday, when a judge vacated his conviction and ordered Syed released on home detention after supposedly new evidence about alternative suspects in the case was brought to light.


“I think Attorney General Brian Frosh needs to speak to his office’s willful decision to sit on exculpatory evidence for the last seven years,” Mosby said in a statement Wednesday. “His inability to uphold this fundamental obligation denied Mr. Syed his right to a fair trial and now forces a family to relive an unimaginable nightmare because of his unconscionable misdeeds.”

The Baltimore prosecutors moved last week to vacate Syed’s conviction after a June review of the original assistant state’s attorney’s handwritten notes revealed two alternative suspects in the homicide, at least one of whom was never disclosed to the defense before Syed’s trial, prosecutors wrote in court documents. One of the suspects, according to prosecutors’ filings, threatened to harm Lee.




Adnan Syed leaves the courthouse after being released from prison.

The city state’s attorney’s office prosecuted Syed, secured his 2000 murder conviction and stood behind the guilty finding for years as the attorney general’s office represented the state in fighting off Syed’s numerous appeals.

Syed现任律师Erica Suter说,直到六月,莫斯比办公室成员将他们送给她,她才从未见过有关其他嫌疑人的笔记。未能透露证据表明一个人的纯真被称为“布雷迪”违规行为,尤其严重,因为它影响了一个人的公正审判权。

As Mosby spoke at a news conference Monday evening after her office successfully argued for Syed’s conviction to be overturned, she accused the original prosecutors on Syed’s case and the attorney general’s office of misconduct.





It could be difficult to determine who’s correct between Frosh and Mosby. Syed’s defense attorney at trial, Cristina Gutierrez, died in 2004. A series of lawyers have represented Syed since then in post-conviction matters.

根据宣誓书的说法,该文件的文件占据了17箱,以支持推翻助理州检察官贝基·费尔德曼(Becky Feldman)周一在法庭上提交的赛义德(Syed)的定罪。


Feldman wrote in the affidavit that she does not have “personal knowledge as to how and where the state’s attorney’s trial file was maintained from 1999 through the time it was delivered to the attorney general’s office.”






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Frosh’s office declined to comment further about his earlier statements. He did not run for reelection and will leave office in January.

Neither agency is releasing a copy of the notes, but city prosecutors in a court filing said the handwriting is hard to read.


Frosh also suggested Mosby filed the motion to free Syed to distract from her upcoming federal perjury and mortgage fraud trial.


Mosby has denied her trial had anything to do with the timing of her office’s Syed filing, calling the federal charges against her “bogus” in an appearance on CNN Wednesday morning.


