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越南战争期间在军队服役的退休外科医生费迪南德·莱考克(Ferdinand S. Leacock)博士去世

费迪南德·S·莱考克(Ferdinand S. Leacock)博士是一名退休的胸腔和心血管外科医生,在越南战争期间担任战斗外科医生,于10月5日在他的皮克斯维尔家中去世,死于多发性骨髓瘤。他88岁。

“Everybody that I know who encountered him loved him not only for the physician he was but for the person he was. He had an outstanding reputation as a surgeon and as a physician leader, and he was compassionate,” said Dr. Samuel Ross, who retired in 2020 from Bon Secours-Mercy Health System, where he worked closely with Dr. Leacock, who after he retired from practicing surgery in 2004, worked at Bon Secours Hospital as a physician-adviser.

Ferdinand S. Leacock博士。

“ [博士Leacock]是一位杰出而庄严的绅士,他的方法是学术,但总是有幽默感。”

Howard T. Jessamy, former administrator at Baltimore’s Provident Hospital, was not only a colleague but a longtime friend of 39 years.


“He was well-liked by his colleagues and patients,” Mr. Jessamy said. “He was a calm and reasonable person. He was both an efficient and effective physician.”

费迪南德·圣·奥宾(Ferdinand St. Obin Leacock)是移民父母的儿子。他的父亲费迪南德·莱科克(Ferdinand S. Leacock Sr.)是一位经常远离家人的商人海员,他的母亲西尔维亚·艾尔金斯·莱科克(Sylvia V. Alkins Leacock)是巴巴多斯的认证助产士。



He obtained his medical degree in 1960 from Howard University Medical School and completed a general surgical residency at the old Fort Howard Veterans Hospital and residences in both thoracic and cardiovascular surgery from what is now the University of Maryland Medical Center.

During his junior year at Columbia, he met and fell in love with the former Yvonne Smith, a student at Barnard College, whom he met in a religion class. They married in 1968.



In 2017, Dr. Leacock received a letter from retired Army Maj. Roy Dean, whom he had treated during the war and who finally located the man who saved his life after searching military records that are held in St. Louis.

“On March 3, 1967, you were given the task of receiving me in the 18th Surgical Hospital in Pleiku. I had been hit with incoming artillery, my face, both shoulders, and chest which damaged my liver, gall bladder and several ribs,” Maj. Dean had written. “For four days every time I woke up I would see your face and watch your hands do their magic on my body to make it better ... For fifty years, I have seen your face and hands, not knowing who you were ... It would be nice to talk and express my thanks to you for saving my life.”


1967年出院后,他于1969年在现在的马里兰大学医学中心(University of Maryland Medical Center)完成了胸腔手术的居留式,并被任命为Liberty Heights Avenue的老式医院。

From 1972 to 1976, he was an assistant professor of surgery at the Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School in Los Angeles and, during that same time period, was an assistant professor of surgery at the University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine.



After holding several surgical positions at Los Angeles County-Martin Luther King Jr. General Hospital, Dr. Leacock returned to Baltimore in 1987 when he was appointed chief of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery at Bon Secours Hospital, during which time he also served as chief of thoracic surgery at what is now the University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus.

From 1990 to 1992, he was vice president of medical affairs for the old Liberty Medical Center and from 1992 to 1999 was chairman of the hospital’s department of surgery. He also maintained a private surgical practice until retiring in 2004.


The Morning Sun



Leacock博士于2015年从Bon Secours医院退休,自2004年以来,他一直是医师顾问。

A world traveler, some of his most meaningful journeys were to the Holy Land on pilgrimages that had been organized and guided by the Rev. Wendell H. Phillips, pastor of Heritage United Church, who baptized Dr. Leacock in the Jordan River.



Dr. Leacock was an active member of Sigma Pi Phi fraternity. He was also a “fierce competitor on the tennis court and at the card table, where he played bid whist,” his wife said. “He preferred tough opponents, and he loved to win.”


除了他64岁的妻子外,前希望支持中心的前执行董事外,Lecock博士还幸存下来,三个儿子,弗农山的基思·莱科克,派克斯维尔的斯蒂芬·莱科克和加利福尼亚州奥克兰的肯特·莱考克。女儿,加利福尼亚州奥克兰的艾德丽安·莱科克(Adrienne Leacock);和三个孙子。
