
Baltimore Officer Keona Holley dies one week after being shot in ambush

巴尔的摩警察Keona Holley周四去世被枪击一周后警察局宣布,当她坐在巡逻车上时,她在伏击中。

Holley, a 39-year-old mother of four who joined the police department two years ago to make a difference, was shot in the head while working an overtime shift early in the morning of Dec. 16 in Curtis Bay. She had been on life support at the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center.



包括警察局长迈克尔·哈里森(Michael Harrison)和市长布兰登·斯科特(Brandon Scott)在内的官员周四表示慰问。


“Baltimore will never forget Officer Holley’s sacrifice and commitment to making a difference in her beloved city,” Scott said. “I ask that everyone please keep Officer Holley’s family in your prayers as they endure the holiday season without their mother, daughter, sister and loyal friend.”


一周前在伏击中被枪击后,凯纳·霍利(Keona Holley)军官于12月23日被撤离生命支持。

Community residents举行守夜星期三下午晚些时候,为霍利(Holley)祈祷“奇迹”。她被召回为“妈妈来自西侧”他给居民和警察的印象。

警察有charged two men in the shooting, as well as with a second killing, that of38岁的贾斯汀·约翰逊(Justin Johnson)在霍利在巴尔的摩西南部枪击事件发生后约90分钟发生。警方使用该地区照相机的视频来追踪其中一名嫌疑人埃利奥特·诺克斯(Elliott Knox)。据称,诺克斯承认侦探他在场,并告诉警察在哪里可以找到使用的武器。


Knox said that Johnson had been killed because he owed money to Travon Shaw, who Knox said carried out both shootings. But detectives wrote in charging documents that shell casings from two different types of firearms were used, and that video from Curtis Bay showed both men approaching the area where Holley was shot. At least seven people have been killed in Baltimore since Holley and Johnson were shot.


Gov. Larry Hogan said “our hearts are broken” over the loss of “one of our true heroes,” and asked that Holley’s family be kept in prayers, along with police and others who “put their lives on the line every day to keep the rest of us safe.”


巴尔的摩兄弟会警察局总裁迈克·曼库索(Mike Mancuso)在一份声明中说:“凯纳(Keona)的生活意义重大,对她的家人,她的朋友和她的同事至关重要。”


中士巴尔的摩警察局的讲师比尔·贾努(Bill Janu)说,霍利(Holley)向他脱颖而出,因为当他问她的一班新兵将他们吸引到该职业时,她说她是巴尔的摩市的居民,并希望使这座城市成为更好的地方。www.my188.com

“You ask people what they want to do in the department and, you know, people say SWAT, people say ‘I want to be in DAT (District Action Team) and kick doors.’ … Her attitude was ‘I don’t care what I do, I just want to give back to the community,’” Janu recalled. “I felt like she could’ve done anything in the department and done the most to give back to the City of Baltimore.”

Janu also recalled a moment during Holley’s academy process when she ran out of the room crying. He was one of a few people who sat with her afterward, when she shared she was afraid because she didn’t want to leave her children motherless.



When he found out Holley was shot, Janu said he couldn’t believe it.

“I see, I don’t know, almost 200 people a year, whatever we put through in the academy,” he said. “I couldn’t tell you the name of 98% of them. But as soon as it was Holley, it was just like a pit in my stomach.”

巴尔的摩市的州检察官玛丽莲·莫www.my188.com斯比(Marilyn Mosby)表示,她打算“在法律的最大程度上起诉负责犯罪的人民”。

As a mother, I extend my sincere condolences and prayers to Officer Holley’s four children, friends, colleagues and family. ... Violence is always unacceptable, especially when the target is those who are committed to protecting this city,” Mosby said in a statement.

警察局在一份声明中说,可以为员工提供免费的机密咨询服务,并要求那些希望为霍利家人捐款的人访问signal13foundation.organd specify her family by writing “In support of Officer Holley.”



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自2017年侦探肖恩·苏特(Sean Suiter)以来,霍利(Holley)是第一位在www.my188.com巴尔的摩市杀害的军官。苏伊特(Suiter)在计划的大陪审团露面前一天被枪杀,与该部门的枪支痕迹特遣队腐败丑闻有关。一项外部评论发现他开了自己开枪,但他的家人和律师坚持认为他没有自己的生命。该案仍被归类为凶杀案。

Holley’s sister Lawanda Sykes spoke to reporters outside Shock Trauma last week, saying that her sister was beloved and worked hard for the city.

“She left out of that house every day and dug her feet into the dirt to serve this city,” Sykes said.

Holley以前曾在州精神病学院的Clifton T. Perkins医院工作。朋友说她是护理助理,而州卫生官员说她有一份安全工作。霍利(Holley)在2020年经过警察学院(Police Academy)时接受了网站内部人士的采访,并解释了为什么她想在以后的生活中成为一名警察。

“I didn’t want to be a Baltimore police officer before. I feel like Baltimore City police officers have a bad name about themselves,” Holley said. “We have to change that, and change it together. The community needs Baltimore City police officers that’s not just here for a paycheck. They’re here because they care.”

Last Christmas, Holley posted a video on Facebook where she and fellow officers handed out Christmas gifts to a family on the front porch. It appears to be organized by a handful of officers.


