
High school student killed, four students injured in shooting outside West Baltimore shopping center


警方说,埃德蒙森 - 西边的高中生在埃德蒙森村购物中心的一群人和丽塔的意大利冰上站在一群人里,当时有两名射手向他们开枪至少20发,然后在建筑物后面奔跑。


Two 17-year-olds, two 18-year-olds and a 16-year-old were shot, and the severity of their injuries varied. Emergency medical services took two students to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, where Deanta Dorsey, 16, died, police said. Three students were taken to Sinai Hospital, and their conditions were unknown Wednesday evening. Police identified Dorsey Thursday morning, but have not identified the other students.

The Edmondson Village Shopping Center in the 4400 block of Edmondson Avenue in the Rognel Heights neighborhood is a known “hot spot” for police activity, Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison said at a news conference. An officer who was monitoring the area had left the parking lot just minutes before gunfire broke out around 11:18 a.m.



“We have a very tragic incident; five people were shot, one who has now lost his life over foolishness and nonsense,” Harrison said. “This did not have to happen.”

Classes at Edmondson-Westside are canceled Thursday and counseling service will be available at the building, Baltimore City Public Schools said in a tweet.




“在上课时间,每一个孤独的一天,都在高大的卡其色裤子里有青少年,”邻里居民吉姆·货物(Jim Goods)说,他指的是埃德蒙森 - 西边的制服。


周三下午,在埃德蒙森村(Edmondson Village)外面的Popeyes外面的射击场景上,子弹套壳被标记为证据。


“You don’t have to be from the village to look out for someone in the village,” Goods said.

枪击事件使埃德蒙森 - 西边高中(Edmondson-Westside High School)在街对面,在警方调查时锁定了锁定。学校官员将学生置于锁定状态,直到下午2:50解雇。一些父母选择早点接孩子。

布兰登·斯科特(Brandon Scott)市长可以在学校走廊上与学生和老师交谈。

埃德蒙森(Edmondson)的一位父母,现年49岁的迈克·泰森(Mike Tyson)说,学生和学校周围的暴力行为在巴尔的摩变得过于司空见惯。本学年初,Mergenthaler职业技术高中学生被枪杀和killed in the school parking lot.



Kwame Rose, a social activist who has a younger brother at Edmondson-Westside High School, said it took 40 minutes for his family to hear back from him during the lockdown. Rose said his little brother and other students learned on their phones that five of their classmates were shot.

“Today, five students left school and, instead of going back to school, went to the hospital,” Rose said. “This was a mass shooting. And it’s not going to get covered, because it’s just five kids in Edmondson Village.”

州长拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan)在一条推文中称枪击事件“毫无意义”,并说MTA警方正在协助调查,以及来自酒精,烟草,枪支和炸药的特工。可以观察到凶杀案侦探和犯罪现场技术人员检查该地区数小时。

在周一的新闻发布会上fatal shooting of an 8-year-old boy, Scott lamented how many people, especially young people, were being killed in Baltimore over what he termed “dumb s---.” At Wednesday’s news conference, Scott deplored how easy it is for young people to get their hands on illegal firearms and their willingness to use gun violence to settle petty fights.

“We should be able to resolve our conflict in a different way,” Scott said. “We shouldn’t be so weak that when we have a basic dispute, we’re going to take somebody’s life and pull out a gun because we feel disrespected. A man shouldn’t be that fragile.”

Harrison said detectives did not yet have a description of the two shooters and asked the public to come forward with any information.


Councilman Kristerfer Burnett, who represents Baltimore’s 8th district, spoke alongside Harrison and Scott, and called on the businesses at Edmondson Village to step up and quit serving school-aged kids during school hours.




A total of eight people were shot across the city before noon Wednesday, including two men who were injured in adouble shooting in Southeast Baltimore。另一名男子在周三晚上在西巴尔的摩被枪杀。

自今年年初以来,巴尔的摩有两个孩子被杀:17-year-old girl, D’asia Garrison, in East Baltimore and the 16-year-old boy killed Wednesday across from Edmondson-Westside High School. And 8-year-old迪伦·金,在西巴尔的摩的伊斯特伍德(Easterwood)遭到枪声袭击后,于12月30日在医院死亡。




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“We’re not giving these little Black kids a chance to, like, be the next mayor or difference-maker in this city,” Rose said.


Tensions boiled over into a shoving match that police officers broke up between Burnett and Kenny Ebron, a former Republican City Council candidate.

“It’s just tough,” Burnett said afterward.

Reached by phone, Ebron said Burnett and other elected officials have hidden in City Hall the past two years.



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