
Commission on Confederate names, symbols in military considers dropping 29th Infantry Division’s blue-and-gray insignia

史蒂夫·梅尔尼科夫(Steve Melnikoff)在78年前的D日入侵欧洲的D日入侵中穿了补丁,当时他蹲在奥马哈海滩(Omaha Beach)附近的一艘坦克着陆船上,德国炮弹在他的头上尖叫。

第二天,他也穿着它,因为他的单位在第29步兵师在大火下确保了敌人线后面的位置,和for another 11 months amid some of the bloodiest fighting in history.



一个国会命名委员会是去年成立的八人小组,正在仔细研究美国数百个名称。military bases, “symbols, displays, monuments and paraphernalia” to identify and retire any that “commemorate” the Confederate States of America and its causes. Melnikoff and others learned last winter that the 29th Division logo is under consideration.


内战后52年,军事铜管在梅森 - 迪克森线的两边(包括马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州)的遗产组合了各州的单位,创建了第29师。它的第一位行政官员詹姆斯·乌里奥(James Ulio)设计了围绕阴阳符号的徽章,在亚洲传统中,这个人物表示对反对力量的平衡拥抱。他制作了左半蓝色,以唤起工会制服和右侧灰色 - 同盟国所穿的颜色。

Historians say U.S. military leaders hoped the formation of the 29th would help to reconcile a still-divided nation, and the unit went on to make history in World War I and World War II. An estimated 15,000 to 16,000 troops wear its patch today, including soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.


委员会没有评论its deliberations before it announces its decisions, spokesman Stephen Baker said. He told一月份的马里兰州国民警卫队that “no decisions have been made regarding recommendations for the 29th Infantry Division patch.”

总部位于巴尔的摩的倡导组织第29步兵师协会的官员说,他们已经与委员会会面,让它知道他们反对更改符号。Members are using the group’s website to raise funds for further lobbying efforts against any switch and to sponsor a petition (it has more than 900 signatures to date), and the group produced a slick five-minute video it’s preparing to send to relevant members of Congress.

该协会国家执行董事陶森(Towson)的弗兰克·阿米格(Frank Armiger)说:“我没有与我交谈,无论他们是否是退伍军人,听到整个故事,都知道为什么要发生这种变化。”“我们试图证明对此有很多反对。”


Dartmouth College history professor Matthew Delmont has been studying military symbols and their effects on Black Americans for years. He is the author of a forthcoming book, “一半美国人:非裔美国人在国内外与第二次世界大战作战的史诗般的故事。”


On learning of the patch controversy, Delmont said he believes American culture has progressed to a stage where it can look objectively at Confederate imagery, consider what it stands for, and make decisions accordingly. The logo was born and gained fame during an era when Black Americans were systematically discriminated against in the military, Delmont says, which he believes undercuts the argument that it reflects national unity.



戴日的老兵史蒂芬·梅尔尼科夫(Steven Melnikoff)拥有的皮带扣,他在诺曼底入侵诺曼底期间穿着马里兰州/弗吉尼亚州第29步兵师的阳阳式补丁,并于1944年在法国战斗中。

黑人退伍军人项目的联合创始人理查德·布鲁克希尔(Richard Brookshire)更加直言不讳。

“Any attempt to retain symbols of the Confederacy, whether blatant or implied, is an insult to the service of Black Americans,” he wrote in an email to The Baltimore Sun.




In World War I, “29ers” from two historic units, Maryland’s 115th Infantry Regiment and Virginia’s 116th, led a crucial assault on enemy strongholds during the successful Meuse-Argonne offensive.

25年后,1944年6月6日,第116位的成员帮助将第一波浪潮带到了奥马哈海滩。第二天,梅尔尼科夫(Melnikoff)总部位于马里兰州的第175步兵团在岸上岸上,乘坐伊希尼(Isigny)村庄,在圣卢(St. Lo)附近占领了108号山,并帮助驾驶了法国布雷斯特(Brest)的关键攻城。


For these and other achievements, “the Blue and Gray” logo is immortalized on monuments and headstones across France, along highways on both sides of the Atlantic, on plaques in veterans’ halls, and in countless books and movies about World War II, including Steven Spielberg’s 1998 “Saving Private Ryan.”

102岁的史蒂文·梅尔尼科夫(Steven Melnikoff)是D日的老兵,他强烈反对改变第29步兵师的蓝灰色补丁。1944年,他在诺曼底入侵期间,在法国战斗时穿了补丁。



对于委员会而言,其一些任务是明确的。创建该小组的2021年《国防授权法》要求成员为九个以同盟军官命名的军队推荐新名称,包括弗吉尼亚州的李堡和A.P. Hill,北卡罗来纳州的布拉格堡,以及德克萨斯州的胡德。委员会在星期二为每个委员会推出了拟议的姓名。

Some calls, like the 29th’s logo, will be trickier. The fight to preserve it remains intense.

Retired Maj. Gen. Linda L. Singhis the former adjutant general of the Maryland National Guard — the first African American and the first woman to head the guard — which includes 29th Infantry Division units. She says the 29th patch doesn’t belong in the same category as the Confederate flag or monuments. That’s because, she says, it includes the color gray not for its own sake, but in symbolic juxtaposition with the blue.

“I definitely understand the angst in and around the meaning of different logos, patches, and names,” says Singh. “But the 29th logo is different; it has always been about the power of bringing together the North and the South. It’s a symbol of unity, one of the highest American values. To me, it’s exactly the kind of insignia we should be lifting up right now.”

Retired Maj. Gen. Linda L. Singh is the former adjutant general of the Maryland National Guard . She wore the 29th Infantry Division patch in 2018 while speaking with Gov. Larry Hogan at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

约瑟夫·巴尔科斯基(Joseph Balkoski)是D日的几本书的作者,也是马里兰州国民警卫队的前指挥历史学家,已写信给委员会并与其员工进行了交谈,以表明他保留第29徽标的理由。

“The reaction against all this so far has been stunningly powerful, and it has come from inside and outside the division and from across the political spectrum,” Balkoski says.


In Virginia, Democratic U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s former vice presidential running mate, and former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam have made statements in support of the patch. Democratic state Sen. Marcus Simon sponsored a resolution celebrating the logo that the Virginia General Assembly passed with bipartisan support.




查尔斯·诺曼·谢伊(Charles Norman Shay)分享了他们的看法。他是一名与第一步兵师的战斗医生,在D日为受伤的士兵们倾注,其中包括29人的数量。97岁的Shay是印第安人的Penobscot,住在法国北部,经常访问该地点。他说,他的朋友们惊讶的是美国政府正在审查徽标。


摆在一个戴着蓝色和灰色徽章的头盔的人体模特与美国陆军列兵制服之间。奥托·J·梅(Otto J. May)从1918年开始是第29步兵部协会国家执行主任弗兰克·阿米格(Frank Armiger)。该小组正在寻求保留该部门的阴风格的补丁。一个国家委员会正在审查军事名称和符号。该小组已经推荐了以同盟国士兵命名的陆军职位。

The commission and its staff, meanwhile, continue their work. That includes visiting sites, such as Normandy, where names and symbols are under discussion; soliciting public feedback, and assessing the potential costs of changes.

由四个退休的军事人物和四名平民组成 - 国会一半由国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)选中一半 - 该小组将在10月1日之前向众议院和参议院武装服务委员会提出建议,这些项目仍在增长。,随着公众继续提交他们的想法。奥斯汀将在2024年之前审查建议并实施更改。




她说:“我希望这次对话鼓励研究和知识。”“让我们没有膝盖的反应。让我们确保这是一个明智的决定 - 正确的决定。”
