

The families of杰拉尔德·菲斯曼(Gerald Fischman),,,,罗布·希亚森(Rob Hiaasen),,,,John McNamara,,,,丽贝卡·史密斯andWendi Winters,,,,along with some Capital employees who survived the deadly June 28, 2018, attack on the Annapolis newsroom, dismissed civil charges against The Baltimore Sun and Tribune Publishing this week after settling the case.

原告在周二下午对新闻机构及其母公司在安妮·阿伦德尔巡回法院(Anne Arundel Circuit Court)在Anne Arundel巡回法院对新闻机构及其母公司的索赔提出了联合通知。


The negligence lawsuit,于2021年提交在枪手贾罗德·拉莫斯(Jarrod Ramos)被发现对枪击事件负责后不久,对安纳波利斯的袭击是“可预防的悲剧”,他说,如果被告“采取了合理的步骤来保护首都及其雇员,则枪手“would have been detected and stopped prior to entering The Capital’s newsroom, and he may never have attempted the assault at all.” The lawsuit was consolidated with a similar claim in early 2022.

Following Tuesday’s filing, any dispute between the plaintiffs and the newspaper and its parent company is settled, Steven Silverman, an attorney for the families of Smith and Fischman said Wednesday. Everything else regarding the settlement, including the terms, are confidential, he said.


该通知没有驳回对枪击事件展开的888 Bestgate大楼的所有者圣约翰房地产的主张。先前的文件说,原告已经与圣约翰达成了一项协议,但正在等待要完成的和解。

On2018年6月28日,拉莫斯(Ramos)炸毁了888 Bestgate的首都办公室,武装着a弹枪,烟雾炸弹和一种阻止受害者逃离的设备。他开枪杀死了五名员工。新闻编辑室内的其他六名员工通过逃离拉莫斯而幸存下来。

认罪and beingfound criminally responsible为了他的行为拉莫斯被判刑2021年9月,至六个终身监禁期,五个没有假释的可能性,再加上345年 - 所有这些都将连续服务。

该诉讼声称报纸公司“肯定应该知道”拉莫斯对首都的记者构成威胁他与公司之间的诉讼, 以及ASA一系列通讯和推文可以追溯到2011年,他威胁着员工。It accused The Sun and Tribune of failing to secure the newsroom against threats when The Capital moved its offices from Capital Drive to 888 Bestgate in 2014, months after the Annapolis-based newspaper was purchased by Baltimore Sun Media, a subsidiary of Tribune Publishing.

The Morning Sun



作为回应,代表太阳和论坛的巴尔的摩律师詹姆斯·P·乌尔威克(James P. Ulwick)在动议中指出,该公司“对第三人的犯罪行为并不承担法律责任”。


The suit is still docketed for a lengthy jury trial in September this year, which will likely be avoided if the plaintiffs settle with St. Johns.

圣约翰斯(St. Johns)似乎仍在达成和解,周三关闭了针对Ace American Insurance的单独诉讼,该保险在2018年为Sun and Tribune提供了责任保险。圣约翰斯辩称,这是从太阳保单中欠保险的。这件事已解决并驳回了星期三。



The Sun’s and Tribune’s suit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, says ACE had initially told the newspaper companies they were covered for legal defense costs under their workers compensation and employers liability insurance, but later reversed course, stating that some of the defense costs would be allocated to their other insurance plan, which has a $1 million deductible.

