Food & Drink

Bits & Bites: Peter Chang’s NiHao reinvents itself, Woodberry launches late-night fare, Atlas opens its first D.C. restaurant


The changes can also at times be more personal, based on a chef’s evolving philosophy on dining or a desire to try something new.


This week, we’ll look at the reinvention of one Baltimore restaurant,chef Peter Chang’s NiHao。I have updates, too, on another recently re-imagined spot,Woodberry Tavern

我有来自华盛顿的派遣,巴尔的摩的Atlas Restaurant Group将于本周与一家名为的餐厅首次亮相Parlour Victoria


你好says hello to a new chapter

你好reopened Feb. 9 with a new menu from James Beard Award finalist chef Peter Chang.

上个月在Lunar新年响起新年之后,chef Peter Chang’s first Baltimore restaurant shut down for a few weeks to undergo a makeover of both its food offerings and a third-floor dining space.

你好2.0 launched Feb. 9, and places a stronger emphasis on Chang’s involvement with the restaurant, which features contemporary Chinese cuisine, including lauded Sichuan food from the James Beard Award nominee.

在新菜单上,食客可以从Chang的华盛顿特区 - 地区餐厅找到一些心爱的菜肴,例如厨师的标志性北京鸭,豆腐皮肤沙拉和带有咖喱酱的泡沫煎饼。也有新的物品,例如柑橘柠檬脆皮脆皮虾和重庆红辣椒鸡,爆米花鸡样的叮咬和一阵热量。

Chang was in town last week to inaugurate the revamped restaurant, which will be led day to day by head chef,,,,a master chef and native of the Sichuan province. Also newly involved isKarina Hou是蒙哥马利县艺术家和慈善家,是巴尔的摩餐厅的新投资者,以及厨师的另一个物业,问彼得·昌(Peter Chang)在贝塞斯达。



Though the restaurant had been well-received in local foodie circles, landing onEsquire magazine’s 2020 list of the nation’s best new restaurants侯说,尼霍赢得了粮食评论家的荣誉,在冠状病毒大流行下挣扎。

Initially, the plan was to “appeal to a younger crowd in the neighborhood,” she said, “but then the pandemic happened.”


餐厅重新推出的一部分也是一个新鲜装饰的三楼私人用餐空间,其中包括Hou私人收藏中的花瓶,花盆和其他Art Art的架子。一个创始人蒙哥马利国际电影节,侯在她的家中展示了更大的艺术品,在那里她以举办当地政治人物参加的活动而闻名美国众议员杰米·拉斯金(Jamie Raskin)to now-马里兰州Gov. Wes Moore

张(Chang)是杰出厨师类别的2022年詹姆斯·比尔德(James Beard)奖的决赛入围者,他在一月份在哥伦比亚的梅里维瑟(Merriweather)区开设了一家新的同名餐厅。


Late-night eats at Woodberry

伍德伯里小酒馆(Woodberry Tavern)为悠闲的,瞬间的人群推出了另一种选择,提供深夜的饮食而无需预订。

Woodberry Tavern,,,,chef Spike Gjerde最近在Clipper Mill社区重新想象的高档用餐地点,现在为深夜周末食客提供了更随意的组成部分。

小酒馆,是Gjerde著名的娇小衍生品伍德伯里厨房在去年年底开业后,詹姆斯·比尔德(James Beard)奖得主决定将餐厅分为活动空间和30个座位的餐厅。

Until this month, the only way to have a meal at the restaurant has been to make a reservation. On Feb. 3, Woodberry Tavern launched another option for the more laid-back, spur-of-the-moment crowd: “Wiching Hour,” which offers sandwiches, french fries and tall pours of beer to walk-in customers from 9:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights.


“Tavern tradition is all about bringing people together to have a good time,” Gjerde said in a statement announcing the new offering. “We can do that by helping people celebrate special occasions during regular dinner service and by providing a destination for people to just grab something delicious with friends later at night, when the spirit grabs them.”

深夜菜单不是稀有和黑麦时代的肋眼au au poivre,将像白色的切达大酒馆汉堡一样,在地瓜发bun上,炸薯条和烤cat鱼和牡蛎po’boy三明治。鸡尾酒清单包括米歇拉达斯(Micheladas)用工艺工艺酿造的扎迪(Zadie)的啤酒和冬季桑格利亚汽酒(Sangia)配上新鲜的苹果酒和枫糖浆。对于甜点,有烤阿拉斯加和一个有水果的巴尔的摩蛋糕。


Atlas Restaurant Group's first Washington, D.C. restaurant, Parlour Victoria, opens Feb. 15 inside the Moxy Hotel.



Get the scoop on that new restaurant, learn about chef changes and discover your favorite new recipe. All your Baltimore food news is here.

Baltimore’sAtlas Restaurant Groupis venturing into the D.C. dining scene.

周三,巴尔的摩概念之后的酒店公司Choptank,TagliataandThe Bygonewill openParlour Victoria,一个高档海鲜小酒馆Moxy Hotel在11号和K街。


An Atlas spokesman said the Parlour Victoria’s offerings will be similar to that of湖吧,巴尔的摩的另一家Atlas拥有的海鲜餐厅以其原始酒吧和广泛的威士忌菜单而闻名。行政总厨布兰登·萨姆布林(Brandon Sumblin),以前是华盛顿的圣瑞吉酒店,还将提供干式牛排。


The restaurant draws design inspiration from the turn-of-the-century Gilded Age, with gold fixtures and leather booths inside the Moxy, a boutique hotel in a Victorian-era building that has been fitted with modern touches to attract young travelers.

In late March, Atlas plans to open its second D.C. restaurant in the same building.Lucha Rosawill be a rooftop bar and restaurant with a small, Mexican-inspired menu, cocktails, a retractable roof and an outdoor patio space.

New Eggspectation in Timonium

全天早午餐链Eggspectation2月6日在Timonium增加了一个地点High 5 Hospitality Group,,,,which also operates布法罗野生翅膀在Bel Air和Salisbury中。Timonium餐厅每天从上午7点至晚上9点开放。还提供午餐,晚餐和欢乐时光特价。
