
Timonium Baker Jason Hisley是食品网络节目“假日战争”的获胜者

杰森·希利(Jason Hisley)在食品网络上的“假日战争”一集播出时庆祝。与他在一起的是他的商业伙伴和凯利·索科利斯(Kelly Sokolis)的蛋糕的共同所有人。

Timonium的Jason Hisley是圣诞蛋糕的国王。

他和他的团队Bah Hum Bakers在昨晚的系列大结局中被宣布为食品网络“假日战争”甜点比赛的获胜者。他们的猛mm象彩色装饰的蛋糕,描绘了一个雪橇雪橇板条架对抗驯鹿,贫穷的圣诞老人陷入了中间,并获得了该节目的25,000美元大奖。


Hisley’s team started the final competition at a disadvantage, having lost the evening’s kickoff “Snowball Fight," in which the two teams that had reached the finals were tasked with creating an “Abominable Snowman Makeover” cake, one that would give the mythical snow beast a more wholesome holiday image. Their creation, which re-imagined the Abominable as a festively decorated Christmas tree, impressed the judges. But their opponent, team Ginger Snappers, impressed them even more by turning the Snowman into a Snow-woman and gussying her up in bright red feathers.



赢得雪球战斗给了Ginger Snappers的额外助手,可以在最后一轮帮助他们,在此期间,每个球队都有五个小时的时间来创建一个圣诞节场景,以对抗驯鹿。But as impressive as their creation was, a dorm room in which pranking elves and reindeer were having-at one another, with poor Santa caught in the middle, Bah Hum Bakers’ snow-covered hill scene, with multiple reindeer and elves and Santa partially buried in the snow, won the evening.

Hisley和他的队友Robert Nieto来自加利福尼亚州,来自得克萨斯州的Bethany Davis和来自纽约的Kim Simons,使用80张蛋糕作为他们的雪界。当头部在比赛初期跌落到地板上时,他们只有短暂的放慢速度。在压力下如此平静的是冠军。

Hisley,Timonium的杰森的蛋糕,是巴尔的摩La Cakerie的前所有者兼执行厨师。他也是食品网络比赛的中流台,估计他已经参加了十几个食品网络展览。
