Retro Baltimore


Fifty years ago, the Orioles pitching staff was one for the ages.

二十场冠军是一个罕见的品种而且,在1971年,巴尔的摩有四个。Dave McNally,Mike Cuellar,Jim Palmer和Pat Dobson在获胜后赢得了胜利,因为球队以棒球的最佳轮换获得了美国联赛东部冠军。麦克纳利(McNally)以21-5的成绩结束,其次是多布森(Dobson)(20-8),库氏(Cuellar)和帕尔默(Palmer)(均为20-9)。


How unique was the Orioles’ pitching feat?

纽约体育专栏作家雷德·史密斯(Red Smith)当时写道:“自从人学会走上后腿以来,这是一支诚实的球队有四个20场冠军。”(1920年,芝加哥白袜队在前一年投掷了世界大赛之后做到了这一点。但是棒球纯粹主义者驳斥了这一成就,因为参与丑闻的八名球员一直在比赛直到1921年被禁止参加比赛。)

从左到右,金莺的吉姆·帕尔默(Jim Palmer),戴夫·麦克纳利(Dave McNally),迈克·库埃尔(Mike Cuellar)和帕特·多布森(Pat Dobson)于1971年在克利夫兰(Cleveland)拍摄,他们在1920年以来至少在一个赛季中至少赢得了至少20场比赛的队友。


“It’s hard to win 20 now when you have a [maximum] pitch count of 120,” said Don Buford, 84, an All-Star outfielder for Baltimore in 1971. The last Orioles pitcher to reach that milestone was Mike Boddicker (20-11) in 1984.

“What our guys did [in 1971] will never happen again,” said Boog Powell, 79, a slugger on that team. “Back then, we knew [the pitching] was special, but we never dwelled on it; it was always, ‘What have you done for me lately?’ Losing the World Series that year [in seven games to the Pittsburgh Pirates] took a little of the glamour off of those guys all winning 20. But as time goes on, you realize that, hey, it would be impossible today.”

此外,那年的金莺四重奏经常距离,当年的70场完整比赛 - 比2019年大联盟全联盟全赛季(大满贯赛事的最后一个赛季)高出25场。Cuellar是个劳动者:在6月的一九天中,古巴出生的左撇子绰号为“ Crazy Horse”赢得了三场比赛,可以在28局比赛中进行两次奔跑。


McNally, Powell said, was “a technician with great control and a curve that was, at times, as good as you ever saw. Jimmy [Palmer] had that high fastball, and ‘Dobber’ had excellent breaking stuff.”


“There really was a competition between them,” Buford said. “They may have been betting each other about who’d get the most wins.”




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The Orioles' four 20-game winners in 1971, from left to right, Mike Cuellar, Pat Dobson, Jim Palmer and Dave McNally, are pictured the following spring training in Florida.

他说:“我认为今年的任何时候都没有得到更好的投掷。”他的队友并不孤单地扎根他。当洋基投手弗里茨·彼得森(Fritz Peterson)经过八局之后离开比赛时,他在麦克纳利(McNally)的土墩上放了一个幸运的一分钱。



鲍威尔说:“我们所有人都在吉米的屁股上取笑他。”9月26日,帕尔默(Palmer)获胜,以5-0击败克利夫兰。这并不容易。克利夫兰(Cleveland)的艾伦·福斯特(Alan Foster)在第七局中进行了无打数的出价,当时金莺队获得了三场奔跑,其中包括帕尔默(Palmer)的一分。然后,他击出了最后六个击球手中的四个,以赢得胜利。

“Mac, Mike and Pat told me not to choke,” the Hall of Famer-to-be said afterward. “It was very important that I [win 20] too, or I would have looked mighty bad.”


