
自由之路:探索弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)从东岸到巴尔的摩的景观和遗产

要发现弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)是美国历史上最重要的人物之一 - 考虑了他1845年自传的最畅销的开场白。

“I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about 12 miles from Easton, in Talbot county, Maryland,” he recounts in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.”


This book and two others that Douglass subsequently authored vividly recount the people, places and events that shaped his extraordinary journey. Slavery to self-emancipation. Global renown as an abolitionist, orator and statesman. Publisher of The North Star, an antislavery newspaper. Advisor to presidents.

星期四,弗雷德里克·奥古斯都·华盛顿·贝利(Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey)于1818年出生在东海岸的200多年寄居者可以探索他年轻时的景观,他在巴尔的摩及以后的关键时光,通过遗产,步行和自动驾驶之旅, exhibits and more.



A portrait of Frederick Douglass.

“People can see and explore where Douglass has been, and follow in his footsteps,” said Maryland Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford, who has a vintage photo of Douglass lent from the State Archives in his office. “In the 19th century, he was one of the preeminent leaders of his time. It’s important to continue to talk about him, especially to younger people.”

7月,州长拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan)的政府宣布了100多项相配的补助金,总计510万美元,授予马里兰州遗产地区授权,授予马里兰州非营利组织,地方管辖区和其他遗产旅游组织。官员说,格兰特·基金(Grant Funds)将支持遗产旅游项目和旨在吸引游客的活动,并扩大与经济发展和与旅游有关的就业机会。

该清单包括13个本地指定的马里兰州遗产地区,每个地区都有一个独特的重点,代表了马里兰州特征的独特方面,例如非裔美国人或内战历史。Stories of the Chesapeake, a heritage area encompassing Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties, is among the sites that have Douglass-centric themes.

“他是一个灵感,”小道格拉斯(Douglass)的曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾经的孙子肯尼斯·B·莫里斯(Kenneth B.


“I am a direct descendant of both Douglass and Booker T. Washington,” said Morris. “Our families were joined through marriage.”

他的母亲内蒂·华盛顿·道格拉斯(Nettie Washington Douglass)说,她对“在夏天度过夏天高地海滩,”安妮·阿伦德尔县切萨皮克湾的历史悠久的非洲裔美国小镇。


Theaffluent enclave was foundedin 1893 by Douglass’ son Charles Remond Douglass, a retired major who served with the U.S. Colored Troops during the Civil War, and his wife, Laura, in response to discrimination. The Frederick Douglass Museum and Cultural Center is housed at Highland Beach in “Twin Oaks”— the summer cottage built in 1895 for Douglass and restored in the 1980s.

如今,莫里斯说,他的祖先的遗产通过“现代废除”和非营利性的弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass Family)的倡议,他共同创立了并与母亲一起领导。该组织的努力集中在教育,反种族主义计划和打击人口贩运方面。现年60岁“美国先知”now playing in Washington, D.C.

Immersion in Douglass’ world, Morris believes, offers a broader lens to absorb his famous speeches and writings that tackled race, democracy, women’s suffrage and human dignity. “Because history lives in each of us,” he said, “we can take these lessons he provided and use them for greatness.”

Here are some places to explore Douglass’ legacy and path to freedom.

Frederick Douglass Mural

A mural created by Cambridge artist Michael Rosato pays tribute to Frederick Douglass in The Hill community.


A colorful mural featuring Frederick Douglass and his beloved wife Anna was unveiled in Easton in fall 2021. It’s situated in山社区,它是在1770年之前定居的,据报道是美国最古老的免费黑色飞地


The 27-by-9-foot mural was created by Cambridge artist Michael Rosato, whose “Take My Hand” mural of fellow Marylander Harriet Tubman在2019年传播.

道格拉斯壁画纪事400年的非裔美国人历史。它绘制了1619年第一批被奴役的非洲人的到来,并描绘了第一位黑人总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和第一位黑人副总统卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)在白宫的台阶上描绘。

它的图像包括亲戚,其中许多人在军队中服役。道格拉斯认为,服兵役是非裔美国人公民身份的途径。他是招聘人员,他的儿子弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass Jr.

道格拉斯(Douglass)的五次侄子塔伦斯·贝利(Tarence Bailey Sr.)在山丘社区长大,并在广泛的支持下帮助了壁画项目。

“People are looking back at my uncle and reading his words again, and they are saying how much of a conscience he was for the nation,” said Bailey, 47, who lives in Trappe. He said his next project involves raising funds to build an African-American cultural center on the Eastern Shore.

Frederick Douglass Memorial




雕塑家杰伊·霍尔·卡彭特(Jay Hall Carpenter)于2011年献身于2011年,弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)的青铜和花岗岩雕像站在法院草坪上。在附近,是道格拉斯(Douglass)于1836年逃脱奴隶制后于1836年被关押的监狱。

法院曾经是奴隶拍卖的地点,道格拉斯(Douglass)在1878年的胜利回程中讲话时讲话。在那次旅行中,他重新审视了他的出生地点 - 在伊斯顿以东12英里处,该地区名为Tuckahoe,并从土地上收集了土壤。

The Frederick Douglass Park on the Tuckahoe

地点:13211 Anne女王Lewistown Road,



地点:26 Dover S.,Easton。

这家精品书店提供了约10,000个冠军,包括有关弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的书。此外,屡获殊荣的艺术家佩内洛普·戈特利布(Penelope Gottlieb)在墙上还有定制艺术。一张醒目的图像将道格拉斯(Douglass)置于书籍,植物区和东岸水禽中。


Nearby is The Wardroom, once a mid-19th century inn. Douglass actually stayed at this property as a free man while visiting Easton. Restored by Bluepoint Hospitality, the main level is an elegant gastronomic shop, and guests who wish to dine in can sample gourmet fare, an extensive wine cellar and tasting room.


Fells Point的Frederick Douglass雕像。

Locations:Fells Point,广州

巴尔的摩在道格拉斯的发展和生活中发挥了巨大的作用。根据普利策奖获奖的2018年传记“弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:自由的先知”,他的“主人”大约八岁,他向巴尔的摩的亲戚展示了他作为他们小儿子的同伴的“礼物”。大卫·W·莱特(David W. Blight)。


In 1831, he was sent back to St. Michaels,根据马里兰州旅游网站办公室的历史记录。There, the 15-year-old founded a Sunday school and secretly taught others to read. It resulted in him being sent to live under a “slave breaker” who often whipped Douglass. However, he would not be broken and fought back.

Weekend Watch





在那里,他遇到了安娜·默里(Anna Murray),他在东岸的登顿出生。安娜是裁缝师。

广州历史学家雷·巴尔(Ray Bahr)站在历史标记旁边,讲述了弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)的打扮成水手,在坎顿(Canton)的火车逃脱了奴隶制。


He’d been wearing a sailor’s uniform Anna sewed and funds she’d saved to help him escape by train. Anna followed upon word of his safe arrival. The couple married, taking the new surname Douglass. They settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and later Rochester, New York.


“I am an Eastern Shoreman, with all that name implies. Eastern Shore corn and Eastern Shore pork gave me my muscle. I love Maryland and the Eastern Shore.”

After Anna’s death, Douglass later remarried. He was 77 when he died Feb. 20, 1895, at his Cedar Hill estate in Washington, D.C. His home there is a National Historic Site, however it is closed for renovations until 2023.
