
Baltimore filmmakers chronicle tuba player's inspiring journey from Sandtown to the symphony

理查德·安托万·怀特(Richard Antoine White)回顾了他的生活 - 贫穷和在桑敦(Sandtown)长大的家庭生活;巴尔的摩艺术学院,皮博迪学院和印第安纳大学的Tuba研究;他目前在新墨西哥州爱乐乐团和新墨西哥大学的工作 - 简单地总结了:



White’s successful pursuit of that dream has been chronicled in the documentary “R.A.W.” (White’s initials) by Baltimore filmmakers Darren Durlach and David Larson, co-founders of Early Light Media.



“I feel honored and humbled that they wanted to do a film about me,” says White, 45. “There was an awe factor when they showed up in Albuquerque. I thought, you guys are really going to follow me around with a camera? But I trusted them to tell this story appropriately.”

Storytelling is a specialty for Durlach and Larson. They formed their production company not only to make a living (clients for their video work include companies and foundations, local and beyond), but also to give themselves an outlet for spotlighting worthy individuals and causes.



他们在2016年创建了第一个看不见的线程项目 - “投掷”,一个关于棺材Nachtmahr的10分钟纪录片,杜拉赫说,来自东巴尔的摩的一个年轻人“长大了,”杜拉赫说,成为溜溜球的演奏家。



That suggestion led the filmmakers to New Mexico, where the Baltimore School for the Arts alumnus settled nearly 15 years ago after earning his bachelor’s degree at Peabody, his master's and doctorate at Indiana University.



For several days, the filmmakers shadowed White to chronicle his life in Albuquerque, where he is principal tuba in the New Mexico Philharmonic and associate professor of tuba/euphonium and associate director of the Spirit Marching Band at the University of New Mexico.

The action then shifted to Baltimore, where more filming took place at the Baltimore School for the Arts and Peabody. The filmmakers also accompanied White to places in Sandtown, where he spent difficult years as a child and had largely avoided revisiting.

“Family members would sometimes let my mom and I sleep on a couch,” White says. “Sometimes I slept under a tree or in an abandoned house. My mom had problems with alcoholism and finally gave me up. Her foster parents took me in. I still don’t know all the story of my family. I’m searching for answers.”


“What we witnessed was just a really beautiful, raw moment as the memories of his childhood came flooding back,” Larson, 35, says, “visiting the old water fountain where he would bathe, or [returning to] the streets where he grew up and running into a neighbor who remembered him as ‘baby Ricky.’ ”



“Richard remembers his stories with such clarity,” Durlach says.“But, as journalists, we were a little skeptical. When that neighbor came up, asking questions and telling stories just as Richard told them, that was extra-gratifying for us as filmmakers.”

在怀特在寄养父母的帮助下抚平了一生之后,他发现自己被音乐吸引了 - 首先是小号,然后是塔巴(The The The The The The The The The Muly),然后是他在自学录像带的帮助下部分学到的。这使他有信心去巴尔的摩艺术学校,准备参加试镜。只有一个问题。


That man was Chris Ford, who gave in and listened. White gained admission.

Richard Antoine White, seated, awaiting a filming session at the Baltimore School for the Arts of



Upon graduating, White entered Peabody on a scholarship and studied tuba studies with David Fedderly, who was then principal tuba with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra.


And White was good at it. He performed with the Canadian Brass and several orchestras across the country before settling in New Mexico. He’s particularly passionate about baroque music (he has transcribed works of Bach for the tuba), along with the works of Wagner, Bruckner and Mahler.


White (his website is rawtuba.com) also finds time to give motivational talks, especially to young people struggling with studies or the pressures of the music world.



杜拉赫(Durlach)和拉尔森(Larson)希望将怀特(White)生活的生活和回报浓缩成大约15至20分钟的电影。他们指望众筹活动(他们的第一次)获得“ R.A.W.”本月完成。

“It’s kind of awkward to ask the public for help,” Larson says. “But to do this right takes so much money. We have been putting almost endless amounts of time into this because we believe in the story so much. We think this [film] could maybe have some small impact on the most vulnerable population of Baltimore.”


“I believe there are hundreds of Richard Whites in Baltimore, but people just don’t care,” he says. “If more people did, you’d see an amazing metamorphosis of this city.”
