
The worst of the pandemic may be peaking in the Baltimore area

By all measures the coronavirus pandemic continues to take a massive toll, burdening individuals and straining the health care system.

But the state has fared better than many for much — though not all — of the pandemic when it comes to severe disease and lives lost, data and analysis shows.



约翰·霍普金斯大学急诊医学系副教授埃里·克莱因(Eili Klein)说:“不久,该州将在病例中呈指数下降,随后导致住院下降。””但是,这留下了很多人在医院。我们仍然需要竭尽所能限制利差,因为我们希望该数字尽可能快地下降。”


Klein said there are certain areas of the state, such as its eastern and western regions, that won’t peak at the same time as the Baltimore and Washington, D.C., metropolitan areas — meaning they will face prolonged hospital crises. People there also are less likely to be vaccinated, he said.



On Friday, the state added 69 additional deaths to Maryland’s count of COVID-19 fatalities.



They show Maryland’s cases already peaked at the start of the month, about five days ahead of the nation’s peak. Hospitalizations should peak in the next week in the state and deaths should follow just after, also just ahead of the country, the models predict.

该研究所卫生指标科学教授阿里·莫克达德(Ali Mokdad)说:“他们将达到顶峰,并在上升的速度下降。”




And government leaders ought to do what they can to ensure the basic functioning of the country by keeping store shelves stocked and other necessities available, he said.

Mokdad expected treatment for coronavirus eventually to be like that for the flu, which requires regular vaccinations for the public and surge capacity in hospitals.


马里兰大学医学院疫苗开发与全球卫生中心主任凯瑟琳·诺兹尔(Kathleen Neuzil)博士说,请注意,现在谁死于Omicron变体。


她在巴尔的摩马里兰大学校长布鲁斯·贾雷尔(Bruce E.

That is in large part due to employer and school-based mandates, she said — though her comments came just ahead of Thursday’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down a federal mandate that companies with more than 100 employees require vaccinations.

Those now suffering severe disease are largely unvaccinated, or vaccinated but elderly or suffering with weakened immune systems or from major health conditions, Neuzil said. The vaccines help, but just don’t work as well for them, she said.

Maryland also has good data reporting compared to other states and countries, though Neuzil added that unless genomic sequencing is done in every case it can be difficult to understand the cause of the latest surge.

Maryland health officials have said they look at the genetic makeup to determine the variant in about 10% of positive cases reported.

On the ground in hospitals, which have reported severe strain on diminished staff, there also may be some reason for optimism.


Dr. John Chessare, president and CEO of Greater Baltimore Medical Center in Towson, noted in recorded remarks that many public health researchers believe that omicron has hit its peak and indeed cases are dropping at GBMC.



“Will there be a new variant that pops up somewhere across the world that is resistant to the vaccine in the United States of America, such that we might get another wave? We don’t know that,” Chessare said. “The best way to stop a new variant is to get everybody immunized.”

Data from the Maryland Hospital Association shows the state is still in the throes of the latest surge — and the state’s hospitalization rate remains above the national rate.




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该协会的主席兼首席执行官鲍勃·阿特拉斯(Bob Atlas)表示,在马里兰州,约有75%至85%的在马里兰州住院的人是未接种疫苗或不足的。


State data shows there were almost 10,600 new cases and 63 deaths reported in Maryland Thursday. Hospitalizations dropped by 34 people to 3,428, still far above the previous pandemic peak in early 2021 of 1,952.


Atlas said Maryland has the 7th highest rate of COVID hospitalization of any state. Neighboring Washington, D.C., ranks 1st, Delaware ranks 2nd and Pennsylvania ranks 6th.


